Inter, Marotta on Sky: the words on Inzaghi, Lukaku and Lautaro

The Nerazzurri CEO told Sky: “The coach is good and prepared, but he and the team have to solve the continuity problem. Is Romelu staying? It’s premature to talk now”

The unexpected defeat at Bologna didn’t please anyone, at Inter. If Simone Inzaghi and Lautaro Martinez made themselves heard in the post-match interviews, Giuseppe Marotta waited a day to speak about the club. TO Sky the managing director touched on various topics, with the starting point of the current season between difficulties and opportunities. The goal is always the same: to make as much progress as possible in the cups and qualify for the next Champions League. “The path of these years is satisfactory – Marotta declared -, but the team and the coach must do more to solve the problem of continuity. We, as a club, are always ready to support them, but it’s up to them in Appiano , in a direct confrontation, find the remedy to this problem”.


Marotta then analyzes the year as a whole, given that the Nerazzurri have also had great satisfaction so far: “We’ve done well in the cups, but the most coveted goal is the Scudetto. After yesterday’s defeat against Bologna, we’re here to ask team and coach even more motivation and concentration so that we can not lose sight of this season’s goal, which is qualification for the Champions League”. In short, everyone must take responsibility and work at Appiano Gentile to stop the roller coaster, giving continuity to the whole locomotive. “Our obligation is to give satisfaction to the fans. Inzaghi is a good, young and well-prepared coach. We have never lacked trust in him”, assures the managing director.

The attackers

Marotta then never misses an opportunity to underline his appreciation for the future captain’s words after the disappointing 1-0 win in Bologna: “We liked Lautaro’s attitude, we appreciate his statements. They are synonymous with belonging and attachment to the shirt. Since the team will meet again in Appiano, they will all have to work on that path”. Less momentum, understandably, on transfer market issues: “It’s premature to talk about Lukaku’s stay now. He’ll return to Chelsea in June and then a new scenario will open up and we’ll see what to do. He wants to stay, we’ll certainly see if it’s time to be able to negotiate his return with us”.
