Inter market, Davide Frattesi takes off from the national team to Simone Inzaghi

The Sassuolo midfielder has shown that a club from “high” Europe is worthy, but he doesn’t talk about the future: “Otherwise Carnevali sends me messages…”

From our correspondent Andrea Elefante

He would love to throw away the phone to just enjoy the holidays, but Davide Frattesi already knows he won’t. He won’t throw it away because he’s aware that his days will be his, that that display will often light up. Even if in Coverciano, before flying to Holland, he had said: “I asked my agent to call me only if there are important proposals”. It was also a way to focus on the blue parenthesis and now Frattesi also knows another thing, the one that matters most: having postponed the moment of relaxation for two weeks due to fault, indeed thanks to this Nations League, may have changed another piece of his fate. The beaches of Ibiza and Sardinia have not waited in vain.

If confirmation was needed, it is now very clear: Frattesi is ready for a great team, he is ready to play in Europe. He’s ready for Inter, if the future shows that certain market signals weren’t smoke and smoke. Because he has already shown that he is a player worthy of a European dimension. He too is starting to convince himself of it: «Matches like these – he said yesterday after the goal against the Netherlands – are worth thirty in the Italian league: different levels, different physicalities. We have young people to work with, but unlike other national teams, we don’t have international experience. So these days I will steal many things and I will carry them in my luggage. Knowing that I still have to work a lot, because talent is not the best thing I have ».

You wouldn’t think so, given what he did in Holland. Two games as a starter, two great games. Italy’s best against Spain, almost the best yesterday and the “almost” is only due to Dimarco’s stratospheric match. And anyway: the foot in the 1-0 with the cross that inspired Raspadori’s heel; the 2-0 goal, transposition into football of the theory according to which the expectation of pleasure is itself pleasure. Even if those minutes were spent waiting to understand if the 2-0 would be validated, he spent them thinking more about the goal that had been canceled against Spain: «At first I was convinced I had hit it with the shoulder, then I started to think that they canceled this too: we would have closed the circle, but I made it even with the last time. It went well…”. And then, a truly closed circle, also the assist for the 3-1 from Chiesa: a quick thought like the vision of the action and movement of his teammate.

Frattesi often goes fast: he did this year and in recent days. It is no coincidence that the important proposal that the agent should tell him about already exists: Inter are very hot, they are ahead of Juve, Roma and Milan (the other clubs that have set their sights on the blue), but it is useless to try with him, because the boy is crash-tested. «After last year’s experience, I’m calm, I’m used to it. And in any case you have to ask the director (Giovanni Carnevali, ed), otherwise he will write me messages … ». Here, even the CEO del Sassuolo must have already written to him: caresses of reproach, let’s say so. Because Frattesi has never spoken about Inter, but in recent days in Coverciano he has scattered clues to read carefully, if we don’t want to say very clear. One: «I know that one day I will go to another league, but now I have to grow up in Italy». Two: «The club’s game will also be important in my choice. For me, a three-man midfield is better where you need a mezzala». Three: «Barella has always been my point of reference, the best in raids. Before I studied it on video, now I see it up close». Seeing Frattesi close to Barella is Inter’s ideal project, and in that three-man midfield Davide talks about, Inzaghi would have two formidable attackers, for an even more vertical 3-5-2. Indeed, much more vertical. The market will tell, meanwhile the two have already played a game together in the last four days: 76′ on Thursday against Spain, 15′ yesterday including the maxi recovery. And it cannot be said that they were bad.
