Inter market: Chelsea is preparing to relaunch on Casadei

Inter have said no to an initial proposal of eight million, the London club prepares the counter-offensive but the Nerazzurri want the “recompra”

A new Chelsea offer for Cesare Casadei has not yet arrived. In writing there is only the 8 million euro proposal sent back to the sender by Inter a few days ago, but watch out: the Blues have not suddenly forgotten the midfielder born in 2003. The first “no” of the Nerazzurri club was to be put in quote and in London still have it in mind the baby talent of Ravenna: it is difficult to think that Chelsea will leave the track. On the contrary: a relaunch in the next few days is very likely.

The situation

The Blues are studying the moves before sinking again, clearly raising the stakes compared to the amount put on the plate in recent days. Inter shot high, asking 20 million for Casadei, and in any case they would like to include the recompra. Because the will of the Nerazzurri club is always the same: not to permanently lose the midfielder. If there must be a transfer, there is at least the possibility of buying the boy back in the future, perhaps after a top season. Chelsea’s relaunch will come, but which one? It is difficult to think that the Blues can immediately offer the 20 million requested by Inter, but already a double-digit proposal could be a signal of the intentions of the London club.


And Casadei, in all this? Cesare is working steadily with the first team, the Primavera is now an experience of the past: the boy is ready to jump, at Inter – even if there is traffic in midfield – or elsewhere. The loan in Italy remains a solution, the recompra is the necessary condition to be able to think about a sale. Casadei remains focused on everyday life in the Nerazzurri, but Chelsea’s pressing is insistent and a relaunch is expected in the next few days. A “no” was not enough to crush the will of the Blues and Thomas Tuchel.
