Inter, Lukaku: “Very strong emotion. Zhang and Inzaghi decisive for my return”

The Belgian on InterTV: “I’ll be able to win back the fans, I couldn’t wait to go back and work with the coach.”

Loaded, excited, happy and with a great desire to start working with Mr. Inzaghi. Romelu Lukaku’s first words after putting pen to paper sealing the return to Milan are pure symphony for the Nerazzurri people, to whom the Belgian first of all addresses a huge “thank you”. From president Zhang, “decisive to ensure that the dream of returning to come true”, to the coach “with whom I have been in constant contact throughout last season” and to his teammates “who are like brothers”, who are also decisive in giving form to what until recently seemed a crazy idea. “Coming back here is a very strong emotion”, Lukaku begins, promising “hard work, commitment and sacrifice to help Inter win and continue the path they took last season.” But the Belgian also knows he has something to be forgiven and promises : “I’ll be able to regain everyone’s trust and give new joys to the fans.”


“What do I feel about being here again? A strong, very strong emotion. What I had with this team was a good story. For the team, for the fans and also for me. Inter have given me so much and now I just hope to do better than I did before. For me it’s like coming home. My family has always had a great time in Milan, since the very first day “, the Belgian confessed to InterTV. “When I went to England I kept the house here in Milan, it meant something. What did we talk to President Zhang? We talked about so many things, we told ourselves how it seemed impossible to make my return come true. Instead, here we are. here, we did it. Much of the credit goes to the president himself, because he always believed in it and pushed until the end so that everything went well. But I also have to thank my comrades. I have already heard almost all of them. . They too have worked hard for me to come back and I will always be grateful to them. They are my family, my brothers. “


To push Lukaku towards the sensational turnaround after last summer were not only the affection and the bond with the city, the team and his teammates, but – admits the Belgian – also the prospect of being able to work with Inzaghi. “The fans convinced me first of all, then also the coach. We have always been in contact throughout last season and I think he did a great job with the team. I can’t wait to be part of the project too. I really want to work with him, because he made the team play at a very high level. Unfortunately he did not win the Scudetto, but he brought home two important trophies and many players have grown up. We must continue like this and think about preparing for the next one. season to continue on the path taken “. The second Nerazzurri adventure restarts with 95 appearances and 64 goals, those scored in the first two seasons in Milan. “But the important thing is that Inter win and I will do everything to help”, promises Big Rom. “I am not an individualist, I only think about the team and I will train hard to make my contribution. to be here again and – he swears at the end – I will work every day to regain everyone’s trust and give new joys to teammates and fans “.
