Inter-Lukaku, the Curva Nord with a statement: “One like many”

The nerazzurri ultras: “We will not cheer against the player and the team, but we had taken note of the betrayal and these things remain. He was a king, now he is one like many others”

“He was supported (and treated) like a King, now he is one like many”. Thus the Curva Nord on the return of Romelu Lukaku, soon in Milan to officially become the Nerazzurri again. The organized Inter supporters once again showed pride after last summer’s farewell: “We took note of Lukaku’s betrayal and we were very disappointed”, reads the note. Already in December, after the first declarations of repentance from the Belgian, the Curva had replied with an eloquent banner: “It doesn’t matter who runs away with the rain, it counts who stays in the storm. Hello Romelu”. Back then it was a fantasy, now it is reality. But the Curve does not change its position.

The note

“Since Lukaku’s return to Inter is very likely, there are some points to be made clear – continues the note published on social media -: the Curva Nord supports Inter and will not make any objection to the player (despite the behavior of the summer last); given this no one should go to welcome him with scarves or banners of the Curva or of the groups that compose it; everything that in the future will eventually be done against him will have to earn it on the pitch with humility and sweat … We invite all the Inter fans in any case not to fall into the opposite trap, that of running immediately to drool after him “. But that of the Curva will not be a cheering against: “Let it be clear to everyone that we will never cheer against Lukaku if he wears the Inter shirt again. Now, Romelu, long ball and pedaling. Confident, towards a future to be built together with those who will be part of our neroazzurra family “.
