Inter-Lukaku: the club has other plans, but Romelu is ready to reduce his salary

Marotta and Ausilio bet Scamacca, the Belgian’s salary is incompatible with the new course. An opening of the Blues is needed for the loan, but the striker is available to meet the parties

If Romelu wants Inter, does Inter want Romelu? Responding with a sharp “no” would be daring: who would ever give up on a weapon that proved devastating in Italy? It would be more correct to say that it is a question of “possibility” and not of “will”: the Nerazzurri, at the moment, cannot. Indeed, they could not: better the conditional in the infinite streets of the market. However, the club now has other plans, both technical and economic. After an Edin Dzeko ripped to zero last summer, the center forward chosen for the future is Gianluca Scamacca: Italian, young, hungry, with a reasonable rating. The manifesto of the new self-sufficient transfer campaigns.

Narrow street

When Lukaku presented himself in front of Marotta-Ausilio last August to ask for the sale and crown Chelsea’s (rich) dream, Inter had already changed course: goodbye Chinese expansionism, the executives were left with sharp scissors to cut the labor costs and cash. The sale of the Belgian was certainly not foreseen, indeed it would have been gladly avoided, but it was still strategic: a balm for the Nerazzurri coffers. If he had stayed in Milan, today the Belgian would earn 8.5 million and would already be beyond the new Inter standards. At Chelsea, on the other hand, he goes further – a salary of 12.5 a year – and this makes his way to Milan even tighter. In addition Marina Granovskaia, Chelsea’s plenipotentiary, is among the hardest bones in Europe in football: it is difficult to imagine concessions after the summer maxi-investment. Translated: a free loan is very complicated, the only possibility for a return to the Nerazzurri. Of course, in the game of joints, Romelu is also ready to make his move: he would be willing to reduce his hefty salary, also to make his will understood even more clearly by those in charge. After all, keeping a big guy with a stomach ache is always risky.


The last piece of the puzzle is then … Inter, understood as disappointed supporters: «It doesn’t matter who runs away with the rain. It counts who stays in the storm ”, the ultras wrote him on a banner, after they had also angrily erased a mural at San Siro. And intended, above all, as a dressing room in Appiano, where the balance has changed: the former teammates have united in pride to demonstrate that they can win without the self-proclaimed old king of Milan. Friendships, however, are intact: Lukaku regrets the feeling with Lautaro, but the feeling is reciprocated. Leading the troop, then, there is no longer the old maestro Conte who, among other things, can no longer take him back to Tottenham, given that the Spurs policy does not allow purchases of such expensive 28-year-olds. In the Inzaghi era a less physical kick is also played, but would Simone ever say no to a weapon like this?
