Inter, Lukaku on Instagram: “Feeling of m…”

The Inter forward entrusts his comments on the Champions League final lost in Istanbul to social networks: “But we’re still hungry”

Suspended between a decidedly bitter recent past and a future yet to be defined, Romelu Lukaku closes the experience of the Champions League final lost in Istanbul with a post on Instagram with an open heart: “First of all I want to thank all the Inter fans – reads the Belgian’s account – for their love and support throughout the season. You guys have been by our side at all times and I personally want to thank you because of this”.

The post

Then the letter from Big Rome to his followers continues with the clear disappointment that the 30-year-old has no intention of hiding: “It shouldn’t have happened… We gave everything. It’s a feeling of m… for all of us who love this beautiful club…”. And finally the closing of the message passing from bitterness to promises: “But Inter are still hungry and we will go back to fighting with the hope of one day reaching that moment in which history is written…”. As if to say: you are warned, I rest and raise.
