Inter-Lukaku, Marotta: “Here comes this evening”

After leaving the Federal Council, the managing director of Inter commented with a sentence on the imminent return of the Belgian. However, no answers to questions about Dybala

Romelu Lukaku is ever closer to Inter. With the traditional round of commitments scheduled for tomorrow – between medical examinations and signing on site -, the Belgian is ready to embrace the team with which he won a championship as a protagonist just over a year ago. The managing director Giuseppe Marotta prepares the fans to review Big Rom in Milan: “When will it arrive? I think tonight”.


One sentence, but clear. The CEO pronounced it at the FIGC headquarters in Rome, at the exit of the Federal Council, responding to the journalists present. The schedule for Inter’s Wednesday is thus confirmed, totally dedicated to the Lukaku-bis. No word but a smile, however, to the questions on the situation of Paulo Dybala, metaphorically stopped at the entrance to the Nerazzurri, waiting for his turn.
