Inter-Liverpool, where to see it in Milan: the Nerazzurri pubs and meeting places

The places and meeting points in the city for all fans who want to experience tonight’s super-challenge in company

Theme clubs, traditional meeting places and authentic Nerazzurri “covi”. In Milan, for all those Inter fans eager to experience tonight’s super-match against Liverpool in company, except of course the 35,000 lucky ones present at the San Siro (to which add about 2,500 English fans for a total capacity of 37,918 spectators), ‘you are spoiled for choice. Below is a map and a list of the eight “hottest” meeting places in the city. There are the so-called Nerazzurri “enclaves”, but also places where fans of all tastes usually mix. The beating heart of Inter fans is usually found in the Sempione area …


One of the traditional meeting places in the city for fans of the Nerazzurri faith. At the Bootleg all the appointments are lived with the same intensity, let alone historical challenges like this evening’s. On the occasion of some derbies, it happened that the club was reserved only for Inter supporters. There are long-time fans, new generations of Nerazzurri, but above all an engaging atmosphere that boils with passion.


By now a typical meeting point for all football fans. The cameras of Quelli that have made football famous throughout Italy, but it has long been one of the favorite places in the city for football fans, including the Nerazzurri. The scarves hanging on the walls and the always cheerful atmosphere make it an ideal place for those who love to follow matches in company. Even the Nerazzurri president Steven Zhang knows something about it, who a while ago enjoyed a game of his Inter at the club’s tables.


Relatively new meeting place for the Nerazzurri fans, thanks also to two illustrious patrons in recent years: D’Ambrosio and Gagliardini used to make a leap from time to time, logically attracting fans of Inter’s pillowcases. But there is a rumor that the first Nerazzurri “pr” of the club was Jovetic, who at the time he wore the Nerazzurri used to entertain himself in long FIFA matches with friends. In any case, the right atmosphere is always guaranteed in cartel matches.


Quick excursion to the Brera area to find the Botinero, an Argentine football-themed restaurant owned by Javier Zanetti. You often meet players, both yesterday and today, in a climate with strong Nerazzurri colors, but it is not exactly a meeting point for fans. At the Botinero you can dine immersed in the memories, images and memorabilia of Inter of Pupi.

The other places

For the other Nerazzurri-colored meeting points, go back to the Sempione area, where the Pils Pub: a stone’s throw from the Arco della Pace, it has long been a place dear to all football fans, with a growing number of Inter fans in recent years. But nearby there is also a place usually haunted by English fans on their Milanese excursions: it is theOffside Sports Pub, historic meeting place for sports lovers in general (the Anglo-Saxon one in particular). In the Porta Romana area – always speaking of places dear to English fans – there is also the Mind The Gap, a typical British-style pub with sports-themed walls. There would also be the Brasserie Brussels, which Liverpool supporters filled during the Champions League final in 2018, the one in which the Reds lost to Real Madrid. Who knows if the superstition does not make him a Nerazzurri meeting point.


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