Inter-Lecce, Inzaghi: the coach’s words | A league

The Inter coach after the 2-0 win against Lecce: “Now my mind is on the away match against Spezia, but there are still many competitions to face, everyone’s contribution is needed. Gosens has been convincing me for some time, Dumfries is back exhausted from the World Cup”

The request was granted and the mission completed: as Simone Inzaghi had hoped, the goal for which the team had worked a whole week. Head and body, character and race, quality and quantity. The coach is satisfied after the 2-0 win over Lecce: “We played an excellent match, with the right approach without ever lowering the intensity. We wanted to win right from the start – explains Inzaghi – against a team that had created problems everyone. In the second half, Lautaro Martinez’s goal made our job easier, of course”.


Inzaghi’s statements are a barrage of praiseworthy adjectives for his players: “Intense, determined and aggressive. There may be some unexpected events during the game, but the team has never disunited and that’s how games are won “. And then there’s also room for a more technical analysis: “They came to get us aggressively with man-halfs on our midfielders, but we played the game we had prepared for. Many thanks to the lads – continues the coach – , who kept their focus from the first minute to the last.” On the cover, as always, the Argentine top scorer of the team: “Lautaro is having a constant performance and it’s very important for us, who have to bring Inter to the top. Do you regret the gap from Napoli? Looking at the championship, we could certainly have done more, but in a year and a half we’ve done very good things. We have to keep our concentration high like today, there are still many competitions to face”.

The singles

The journalists’ questions then lead Inzaghi to talk about some players who are returning to their old glories: “Gosens has been convincing me for a long time, even when he took over from Dimarco during the game, a task that is never easy. He had also done it in Bologna a very good match, in my opinion”. And to those who say that he lacks a Scudetto to truly be a top coach, he replies as follows: “We work every day for that goal, but the past in football doesn’t count and you have to look to tomorrow, which in our case is the away match against the Spice”. And so on with other individuals under the magnifying glass: “Dzeko? Excellent match, always at the service of the team. It wasn’t easy with their central defenders who were always manned. Correa will also be back during the week, we’ll need everyone to play every three days Dumfries started off with two balls that weren’t played well, but last year he did very well and he had continued in the same way before the World Cup. He came back from Qatar a bit unloaded, but he’s working a lot”. If the coach manages to recover all the lost sheep…
