Inter, Lautaro’s renewal is the real deal

The big players lose big shots, the Nerazzurri have worked on time. In an era in which the center forwards are worth gold, the Nerazzurri club has kept close to the Argentine center-forward, perfect interpreter of the modern striker.

Premise number one: there is more and more the market for strikers, who cannot be found – ask Mancini for information also in an Italian key – and therefore cost a lot. And the Vlahovic coup was only a confirmation.

Napoli, for example, spent about eighty million for Oshimen a year and a half ago. And Roma, twelve months later, invested 45 for Abraham, with Chelsea who, however, guaranteed the possibility of bringing him home at a much higher price. Premise number two: it is also the free agent market. A new phenomenon at the big level, because before – let’s face it – with second-tier elements. Now, however, everything happens: Donnarumma leaves Milan on expiry, Calhanoglu did the same and probably Kessie will do. Insigne goes for free in Canada, Dybala is in the balance at Juve and we could go on indefinitely. Why, you say, who could have imagined that even Messi would have greeted Barcelona in that way? In short, it is really true, at this moment it is fortunate to have a great striker, it is a sign of extreme skill to be able to get him at an acceptable price; it is a demonstration of readiness and competence to be able to block him in advance, before he caresses the idea of ​​leaving at maturity.

The masterpiece

This long introduction serves to frame the situation of Lautaro Martinez, who – in this scenario – was truly a masterpiece of foresight of the Inter leaders. Because we are talking about an extraordinary forward whose qualities have been perceived by the managers before other clubs, burning fierce competition and managing to bring him to Milan for around 25 million euros. It was possible because Lautaro was a 20-year-old already highly regarded, but who had not yet entered the whirlwind of negotiations. In short, Inter bought him at a price with which today you can sign second row strikers (and we don’t mention names to prevent someone from getting angry). It has practically written off it in recent years, bringing it to a price of one hundred million euros and also managing to cancel the release clause that could have exposed the Nerazzurri club to real risks of losing him. And then, the icing on the cake, in a moment in which – as we said – the great players travel happily towards the expiration of the contract, in order to be able to put themselves on the market to the highest bidder, Inter managed to renew the contract. Without particular fibrillations, without reciprocal digs, to an important figure – about 6 million euros per season – but perfectly in line with those we are witnessing. Contract until 2026, which means securing it and also guaranteeing – but rightly there is no mention of it – a monstrous capital gain in the event of a sale. In short, even in the new market and in the new market scenarios, an absolute bargain, from the moment of purchase to today. For a striker who truly represents the prototype of the modern forward.

The versatility

Because – a top coach told me at this very moment – to have a striker of this level is fortunate; but it is double luck to have an attacker who can make either the first or the second striker. Yep, that’s right. Lautaro Martinez can play the side, the shoulder, for Lukaku or be the terminal for Dzeko. Always with the same – very high – performance. It can be the one who opens up the spaces, or goes to occupy them, without feeling a minimum of discomfort. Extraordinary flexibility, for a player who sees, hears, leads and at the age of 24 – just 24 – is fundamental at the club level and has been able to take on a prestigious role even in a national team, let’s say so demanding at the striker level like that. argentina. His last goal, just in these hours, was used to beat Chile. In 36 games he signed 18: not bad, what do you think?


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