Inter, Lautaro Martinez: the records and victories he can achieve

He started his sixth season at Inter with the turbo and can surpass all his personal bests

Andrea Ramazzotti


Where can a Lautaro like this go? How many goals can he score? Is he capable of beating the record of 36 goals set by compatriot Higuain in Napoli 2015-16? After the night at Arechi everyone is wondering this not only because Toro has so far recorded the best start since he has been in Italy, but above all because he continues to grow. Year after year. Month after month. Week after week. Since he lifted the World Cup in Qatar last December, he has acquired an awareness of his abilities that he didn’t have in the past and at the moment he is among the most decisive attackers not only in Serie A, but in the Old Continent. The Inter fans are enjoying it and hope that the 9 goals scored at the start of the championship are just the appetizer.


Lautaro landed at Pinetina in the summer of 2018, after sports director Ausilio had purchased him from Diego Milito’s Racing in a blitz (in February), paying him 17 million plus taxes, bonuses and a percentage on future resale. In the first year, Spalletti did not fully recognize the value of Toro and, faithful to his 4-2-3-1, used him as an alternative to Icardi. Only when Maurito was demoted (removed from the captain’s armband) and stopped due to knee problems, Martinez played with more continuity as a starter. He ended 2018-19 with 9 goals, 6 of which were in the league, but also conveying the feeling of enormous untapped potential. Conte’s arrival made him explode: 21 centers in 2019-20 (14 in Serie A) and 19 in 2020-21 for Italy (17 in the championship). And when Inzaghi sat on the bench, the trend remained the same, that is… constant growth: 25 goals in 2021-22 (21 in Serie A), 28 last season (another 21 in the league). Now he already has 10 in 8 matches, while the partial in Serie A says 9 goals in 7 days. And he only kicked one penalty, last night in Salerno (Calhanoglu was on the bench), while the previous 2, against Fiorentina and Milan, were taken and converted by the Turk. If the 11 meter hierarchies were to change…


At 26, Martinez is in the best moment of his career: he has awareness of his abilities, the attitude of a leader and the captain’s armband he wears on his arm has given him that extra “something” that he was missing. Some long fasts in front of goal that had characterized his first Nerazzurri seasons for a few months are part of the past and for this very reason the Salerno poker has opened a debate: where can this Lautaro go? He certainly can win the top scorer ranking, even if he will have to deal with another extraordinary striker like Osimhen. But how many goals can he score? It’s difficult to say because his growth is continuous and he hasn’t reached the top yet. Lukaku’s farewell also put him even more… at the center of the village and the whole team elected him as an absolute point of reference: his teammates look for him continuously because they know that he is in the center of the area, ready to place the shot his paw. Barella, Thuram and Carlos Augusto went to Arechi without fail because they were certain that they would find him there, alone, after having made a well-timed sprint or having freed himself from the marker on duty. As only great bombers can do.


In terms of number of goals in the championship, the phenomenon Haaland is now behind him (8), but also Kane (8), Mbappé (7), Lewandowski (5). They have already tried to buy him from Arabia and last summer they made him a mind-boggling offer, but he firmly declined. He only thinks about Inter and winning the second star’s scudetto. Better if by winning the title of top scorer and renewing the contract expiring in 2026. The last two Nerazzurri players who scored 4 goals in a single match were Argentinians like him: Icardi against Sampdoria (March 2018) and Milito against Palermo (February 2012 ). And the record-holder for goals in Serie A is also Argentinian (Higuain). Do you know how many goals Gonzalo had to his credit after 7 rounds in the years of grace 2015-16? “Just” 5. This is why Toro can dream… And with him all the Inter fans.
