Inter-Inzaghi, there is an agreement: renewal until 2024. Only the announcement is missing

Three hours of summit at the headquarters in the presence of President Zhang, also on the table the arrival of Lukaku: between the coach and the club total understanding, with an upward retouching of the salary

The agreement is total, the contract renewal has now become only a formality. Simone Inzaghi and Inter have renegotiated the agreement that binds them, extending the deadline to 2024 and retouching the coach’s salary upwards. The negotiation ended, the last foundations were laid in the meeting that was held in the office in the afternoon, which began at 16.30 and lasted about three hours. The entire Nerazzurri leadership was present at the summit, together with president Steven Zhang. Only the signatures and the announcements are missing, which are expected tomorrow.

This is Lukaku

The appointment was also an opportunity to take stock of the ongoing negotiations, both incoming and outgoing, together with Inzaghi. In particular with regard to Lukaku, whose return is now imminent. In fact, Inter are approaching the requests of Chelsea, which would like 10 million euros for the player’s loan, confirming that they are willing to raise the first proposal from 5 million. The impression, therefore, is that for a definitive agreement it is only a matter of a short time. Upon leaving the office, Inzaghi was asked about the Belgian striker, but the coach – after laughing at the questions – left without making any statements.

Because yes

That Inter and Inzaghi would continue together was never in question. The management, despite the faded scudetto at the end of the season, was satisfied with the team’s vintage. The coach has been credited with having led the transition in a positive way after the important starts of Hakimi and Lukaku, managing to win the Italian Cup and the Italian Super Cup and overcoming the Champions League groups. This is why it was not difficult to reach an agreement to continue, which will be made official in the next few hours.
