Inter, Inzaghi after Bologna: “Juve had done us very badly”

The Nerazzurri coach after the 6-1 at Bologna: “Marotta’s words? I have a good relationship of transparency with the managers, when there is a need to tell me something they do it without problems”

Getting up is always more important than having fallen previously and Simone Inzaghi enjoys his Inter in 6-1 at Bologna with the aim of giving continuity to this success in the last match before the break, against Atalanta. At Giuseppe Meazza there are many reasons to smile and the coach does it: “The head makes the difference. We conceded a goal for a detour – comments the Nerazzurri coach -, but the team stayed in the game. After five victories in the last few. six days we are there in the standings, beyond Napoli, which is further ahead. It is a championship where all the others stop and make the news as when we stopped. “

The statements

In the words of Inzaghi there is a certain forecast of a great performance against Bologna: “I saw the boys work in these three days after the defeat in Turin which had hurt us very badly, I had seen them very concentrated. So I had faith after that disadvantage. fortuitous “. Before the match, however, Giuseppe Marotta’s statement that it is up to the coach to find remedies for this strange classification had attracted attention. So precisely to Inzaghi: “I was very sorry for how the defeat against Juventus had matured, but the pressure is always there and I have an excellent relationship with the management: I always talk to them when you win and when you lose. Marotta, Ausilio and Baccin are very transparent and direct: if they need to say something they do it without problems “.
