Inter, Gosens puts Juve in his sights

At work in the Pinetina to reach the optimal shape. Possible debut from 1 ‘against the bianconeri

There is an air of relay in the left lane of Inter. After the first four appearances for a total of 85 minutes on the pitch, Robin Gosens warms up his engines aiming at his debut as a starter in the Nerazzurri shirt that could get to the resumption of the championship in the big match against Juventus on Sunday 3 April. In recent days, the German has worked hard on the fields of Pinetina in view of the cartel challenge scheduled for Sunday 3 April in Turin, where Inzaghi’s team will no longer be able to calculate or afford missteps. The Piacenza coach took advantage of the break to try new tactical solutions, including the inclusion of the former Atalantino from the first minute in order to have more coverage in the left lane without losing too much in the push phase.

Running in finished

So far Gosens has enjoyed 28 ‘against Salernitana (with an assist), 45’ against Torino, 10 ‘against Fiorentina and 2’ in the first semi-final of the Italian Cup against Milan. All appearances as a substitute for the German winger, to whom Inzaghi has reserved a gradual insertion after the thigh injury remedied in September. On the other hand, beyond the athletic recovery necessary after the long stop, the former Atalantino also had to become familiar with his new teammates and with the mechanisms of the Nerazzurri coach (albeit similar to those learned in Bergamo with Gasperini). But now the running-in has come to an end, the condition of the German is close to optimal and the last week of training served to perfect the seal and avert the risk of dangerous relapses.

Debut air

The German trained smoothly with the rest of the team remaining in Appiano and, when work resumed scheduled for Tuesday (Inzaghi has given everyone four days off starting today), he will play a starting shirt with Perisic. The signals sent out by Gosens in the last few days have comforted the coach, who is increasingly persuaded by the possibility of launching him from the start in a crucial challenge for the standings like next Sunday. Because the German has a great desire to recover the time spent in the pits and finally immerse himself fully in the new Inter dimension. Inzaghi knows that Gosens can bring a breath of fresh air to the maneuver, especially at a time when there is a need to play with the so-called knife between the teeth. The same one that he has carefully sharpened in the last few days in Appiano.
