Inter, Gosens between goals against Bologna and transfer market: the future of the German

On Wednesday, the German winger found his first goal in Serie A with the Nerazzurri shirt, but in January the desire for the field could bring him back to Germany: in the Bundesliga the 28-year-old has several admirers, the club thinks about it

Scoring is good, it imposes smiles even on the longest faces and increases self-esteem. It is not an unconvincing commercial, but the effect of the hail of goals from Inter, who have found enthusiasm and desire to have fun on the pitch against Bologna. The sixth goal, the last, was signed by Robin Gosens after the game was well closed: a loose ball arriving from the right after a couple of punctured interventions. He, from the far post, fell on the ball for the 6-1 tap-in. Smiles, hugs, the fans chanting his name.
