Inter, for Skriniar injury for at least 20 days: the exams

The defender underwent medical examinations by the Inter staff, who reiterated the problem with the thigh flexors, with relative payment: the 24-year-old will remain in the pits between three and six weeks

Milan Skriniar will stay between three and six weeks, as Jan Batalik, doctor of the Slovak national team, had already announced in recent days. During the day, the player underwent medical examinations by the Inter staff after returning to Italy and the tests confirmed the diagnosis: the problem is in the thigh flexors, under the buttock, with a lot of effusion. In about twenty days the defender will be checked again to evaluate more precisely the timing of recovery: in the best of cases he could already be close to healing, in the worst he would have to stay still for another three weeks.

The stop

Skriniar’s injury dates back to last Monday, with the player who had left the pitch in pain after a conflict with a player from Kazakhstan, an opponent of the Nations League. The first replays had been misleading, giving the impression of a knee problem, but already at the end of the game there was talk of a muscle injury. The player, moreover, is at the center of several market rumors: Simone Inzaghi’s defense column, he would in fact be in the list of players closely observed by Paris Saint-Germain.
