Inter, Dzeko tempted by a two-year contract with Al-Hilal

The Bosnian striker, whose contract expires on June 30, can join Ronaldo in the Arab championship. Marotta and Ausilio have offered him a year with a reduced figure compared to the current 6.5 million

Al Hilal, who are also trying to sign Leo Messi with a crazy offer, are thinking of Edin Dzeko. The Inter striker, who turned 37 in the spring last March, has ended up in the sights of the Arabs and could go and play in the Saudi championship where there is also Cristiano Ronaldo, hired… for gold by Al Nassr.

Inter want to keep him

Since last September, Inter have let Dzeko’s entourage know that they want him to stay in 2023-24 as well. The offer from Viale della Liberazione to the centre-forward’s agent, Alessandro Lucci, has always been that of a one-year contract, while the number 9 is asking for a two-year contract to conclude his career. Marotta, Ausilio and Baccin believed (and believe) that they have reached an agreement on the duration or one year, at most with an option in favor of the club on the following season (2024-25), but there is no agreement on the salary. Now Al Hilal has also got in the way and is ready to put on the table, for two years, a figure that is certainly higher than what Inter will propose for one season.

Edin’s will

The will of the footballer will be decisive because it is unlikely that Zhang’s club will participate in auctions with the obligation to reduce wages given the settlement agreement signed with UEFA. If Dzeko aims to stay in Milan, where he feels good and is not too far from “his” Rome, he will aim to secure the highest possible salary with Inter but will give up on the Arab biennial. Otherwise he will try an “exotic” adventure, perhaps after having also put on the bulletin board the Champions League that he has been dreaming of for years.
