Inter, Dumfries: between goals and assists is better than Hakimi

The Dutchman is doing better than PSG’s Moroccan: in Serie A only Theo Hernandez has more scoring appearances than him among league defenders. And Achraf’s farewell doesn’t hurt anymore

You can try rewinding the tape, or pressing the key rewind which is more current in the era of streaming platforms. Last summer, the Inter fans found themselves on the verge of desperation for the farewell of Achraf Hakimi, sacrificed on the altar of economic sustainability like the striker Romelu Lukaku. Instead of the Moroccan winger, the managing director Giuseppe Marotta and the rest of the management had opted for a promising Dutchman and eager to make the big leap: Denzel Dumfries, who thus decided to hurry to greet his PSV Eindhoven to switch to ‘ Inter fresh off the Scudetto.
