Inter, Dimarco: “Gosens? I’m not afraid of the competition”

Inter winger on the new arrival: “The pitch speaks for him. Cup derby? There is a desire for revenge”

“Missteps can happen, the important thing is not to lose certainties”. Federico Dimarco has very clear ideas of what happened against Sassuolo and explains it clearly in the “web media day” of which he is the protagonist. “From today to Friday we have to think about bringing home the result in any competition”. Starting with Genoa-Inter, of course.


Dimarco is the only member of Simone Inzaghi’s squad to have grown up in the Nerazzurri nursery, despite having wandered a few years before returning to Milan in the first team: “All the sacrifice I made was important to get here, now I’m happy” . Before Christmas, his contract was extended until 2026, with a strong positive impact: “I had clear ideas since the summer and therefore there was no need to convince me, I had no doubts. The renewal was a great emotion”

The latest arrival

The 24-year-old was also employed by Inzaghi in the defensive trio, but it is as fifth on the left that he gives his best. In that position, in addition to Ivan Perisic, a German aura of considerable weight has been floating since January. Robin Gosens’s: “I’m not afraid of competition, healthy competitiveness is important and makes every player give their best. The pitch speaks for him, he had fantastic years at Atalanta.” In addition to thanks to his former Primavera teammate Federico Bonazzoli, who scored for Milan on Saturday with the Salernitana shirt, two surgical responses from Dimarco clarify the ambitions of this Inter: “Do you want revenge against Milan in the Cup? A lot. Let’s win. the Scudetto? Yes. “
