Inter, Dimarco and the goal against Frosinone: “I saw the goalkeeper outside the posts”

The Inter winger on the goal from 56 meters that broke the deadlock against Frosinone: “If I had made a mistake I would have received so many insults that I can’t even imagine them”

The scorer of Inter-Frosinone’s opening goal, Federico Dimarco, responded directly to the great doubt that sparked debates among friends and fans since the 43rd minute of the first half: “At the beginning I saw Denzel – he explained to Dazn the winger -, then I saw the goalkeeper out and I shot. Thank goodness he came in otherwise I would have received so many insults that I couldn’t even imagine.” With a 56-metre pearl the 26-year-old from Milan put the Nerazzurri’s match on the right track, later admitting at the end of the match: “It’s definitely one of the goals the most beautiful things I’ve done”

The words

Then Dimarco continues to answer the questions, starting from an examination of conscience: “I didn’t start very well, I did things that I’m not wrong. The three points that counted to stay at the top and we won, better that way. We wanted to arrive first in the clash with the Juve but we have to think game by game. Now let’s think about the national team and then the big match with Juve.” And then again: “We are a good group, we are strong, deep, we can interchange a lot and it’s a good thing, we can continue on this path to try to achieve the objectives. What are they? You decide”.
