Inter, De Vrij wins the case. From the former agents compensation of 4.7 million

The Inter defender denounced Seg, the agency that had handled his transfer to Milan on a free transfer from Lazio in 2018, asking for a hidden commission. His contract expires in 2023

Vince De Vrij, but above all for the first time an agency of prosecutors is punished for an illegal commission. On January 7, the Inter defender sued Seg, the agency that had handled his transfer to Milan on a free transfer from Lazio in 2018. Yesterday the court in Amsterdam established a compensation of 4.7 million euro for the player who had even asked for 22 million, accusing his old representatives of having reached a hidden understanding with Inter which also included percentages on any resale.

Clarity about the future

The political weight of this ruling is evident. From now on, the players will be more protected. And above all, for the first time, the stakes are placed on a practice that is putting the budgets of football clubs in crisis. In the meantime, De Vrij has changed consultant, now he is assisted by Mino Raiola. So far the negotiations for a renewal with the viale della Liberazione club had been interrupted, but it is evident that the player wanted to clarify the relations with his old representatives before thinking about his future. Consequently, this can also be good news for Zhang’s club.
