Inter-Cuadrado, there is peace with the ultras. Now Juan can take off

After the whistles in the first few days, the Colombian clarifies with the fans. Thanks also to Martinez’s intervention

Vincent D’Angelo


Peace made, in the name of Inter. Because ultimately, it made no sense to continue a situation of tension dictated by the events of the past. The “rehabilitation” operation for Juan Cuadrado within the Nerazzurri world experienced its turning point last week, with the long-awaited meeting between the Colombian and the representatives of the Nerazzurri curve: a summit that was announced on the very day of Cuadrado’s purchase, which had caught the fans off guard and completely displaced the hard core of the North: Cuadrado, over the years, had become one of the number one enemies on the pitch for the Nerazzurri public, due to various episodes that occurred during the derbies ‘Italy, when the Colombian wore the black and white of Juve.


And his Juventus past, together with the accusations of being a diver, were the reasons that pushed the Nerazzurri ultras to seek a confrontation with the player, to clarify their position. In fact, on the day of the official announcement of his purchase, the Inter fans had gathered under the club headquarters to say no to the purchase of Cuadrado. And at the end of the evening a bridging solution was reached: organizing a meeting between the parties to put all the cards on the table and clarify things. No sooner said than done. And, after the boos when he entered the pitch in the first two home matches of the season, from the derby Cuadrado will also have his chorus and the support of the Inter fans, just like all his other teammates.


Cuadrado is now in South America for the qualifying matches for the 2026 World Cup. His inclusion in the Nerazzurri dressing room was immediate and calm, as demonstrated by the events seen on the pitch, in favor of the cameras. From the dance under the curve with Calhanoglu to the embrace with Lautaro after the 4-0 goal over Fiorentina, generated by the Colombian’s assist for his captain. And Toro – increasingly the leader of the group – immediately went to meet Cuadrado, pointed him out dramatically, so as to ask for applause from the entire stadium. And after the match, Lautaro and Juan also shared a moment of happiness inside the locker room: showing their muscles, with big smiles and happy eyes. A way to reinforce the concept of a united group and the desire to all row on the same side. Cuadrado is an Inter player today, the past doesn’t count. This is the message that Captain Lautaro wanted to send to the fans. Not only that, because everyone at Inter quickly understood how Cuadrado’s quality and experience could be useful in the race for the second star. Simone Inzaghi was his first sponsor: he wanted it at all costs and got it. Now together they want to win: it would be the best way to settle accounts with the past.
