Inter, change in staff: Spinelli will be the goalkeeper coach. He has already worked with Conte

From next season the goalkeeper coach will change. With Handanovic’s farewell, Bonaiuti will also say goodbye

Waiting to understand what will happen on the Inter bench at the end of the season, there is a new arrival in the Nerazzurri’s staff. In fact, the goalkeeping coach will change: with Handanovic’s almost certain farewell, those who will follow the Nerazzurri goalkeepers from next season will also change.

“An important change in the Inter staff of the future, a strategic addition that opens glimpses of 2023-24. Regardless of who will be the coach, the role of main goalkeeper coach should be entrusted to Gianluca Spinelli, an authority on the matter. The 56-year-old Milanese he spent the last four seasons at PSG where he arrived in 2018 together with Gigi Buffon and where he weaned Gigio Donnarumma.In 2014 he joined the national team led by Antonio Conte, coach also followed at Chelsea from 2016 to 2018. at home she became rich: a couple of French Cups, three Ligue 1s, three Super Cups and a French League Cup, while with the Blues in Antonio’s time she triumphed in the Premier League and the FA Cup”reveals La Gazzetta dello Sport.

“Spinelli, who had already married in Paris, had not followed the Salento coach at the time of his first Inter experience in 2019. Today it is not known what will become of the Nerazzurri bench, given that Simone Inzaghi has the possibility of a historic exploit in the Champions League that would himself every cloud. A symbolic reunification of the coach-trainer pairing would instead take place in the event of a surprising Conte-bis. In any case, a new era will begin at Inter between the posts, with the probable farewell of captain Samir Handanovic followed for years by Adriano Bonaiuti, in the Nerazzurri staff since 2013. André Onana has now established himself as goal leader, he amazed with his reactivity and courage, but some technical flaws should be corrected: I’m working for Spinelli”adds Gazette.
