Inter, Champions list: there are Gosens and Caicedo

Inzaghi hopes that the former Atalantino will be able to recover at least for the return match against Liverpool

Two inside, two outside. The logic of the Nerazzurri Uefa list follows those of the last market session, which saw the arrival of two new faces in Appiano instead of the two they greeted.

two go in, two go out

Specifically, the list of 24 players who will take part in the final phase of the Champions include the Ecuadorian Felipe Caicedo and the German Robin Gosens, who take the place of Stefano Sensi (who went on loan to Sampdoria) and Kolarov (still undecided whether to hang up the spikes in advance of the contract expiration in June). These are the only variations from the previous list of players who faced the group stage. The registration of the former Atalantino, whose return could take place in time to play the second leg of the round of 16 against Liverpool, was made possible by the regulatory change introduced starting this season, according to which it is allowed to field up to a maximum of three players who have already played in the previous phase (or in another European competition) with another team.

the list

The list of 24 communicated by Inter: Handanovic, Cordaz, Radu, Dumfries, De Vrij, Bastoni, Skriniar, Gagliardini, Dimarco, Vecino, D’Ambrosio, Ranocchia, Vidal, Darmian, Barella, Brozovic, Calhanoglu, Perisic, Correa , Sanchez, Ceicedo, Gosens, Dzeko and Lautaro.


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