Inter, capital gains: investigation into the request for filing

The Milan Public Prosecutor had hypothesized the crime of false accounting, but the investigations would not have revealed anything criminally relevant

The investigation, against unknown persons, on Inter’s capital gains goes towards archiving. According to reports Handle, this is in fact the scenario that emerges in the case started from the hypothesis of the Milan Public Prosecutor’s Office of the crime of false accounting. In fact, the investigations did not reveal any criminally relevant elements to proceed with the request for judgment.

The searches

After the seizures – dating back to last December – of the devices of some managers of the Nerazzurri club, documents, emails and messages were examined: however, the analysis did not bear fruit on the sale of some players, whose operations (ten in total) were been under investigation. In all, it is about 90 million euros of capital gains put in the balance sheet, some with values ​​considered “disproportionate” to the actual ones. However, there is no confirmation with respect to the suspicions of having embellished the budgets to dodge the shirts of the Financial Fair Play to participate in Uefa competitions. Among the various operations examined there are some related to Genoa, from Ionut Andrei Radu to Zinho Vanheusden up to Andrea Pinamonti, but the near future should take the form of archiving the file.
