Inter, Calhanoglu: “We believe in the Scudetto. Juve the rigor of life”

The Turk is back on the success of Turin: “We didn’t play the best match, but we don’t care: the three points count”

“I don’t like to talk too much, but we believe in it until the end.” Hakan Calhanoglu will not like to talk too much, but the message arrives loud and clear: “Now we are in a good moment and we want to win the Scudetto, now we can no longer make mistakes”, the words of the Turkish to the microphones of Sportmediaset. The victory against Juventus put Inter back in the running for the Scudetto, the subsequent draw of Milan against Bologna has definitively reopened everything. “We didn’t play the best match, but we don’t care: the three points count.”


There will be time for aesthetics, now all that matters is winning. This is the summary of the words of Calhanoglu, who decided the match at the Stadium with the (double) penalty in the final of the first half: “The most important penalty of my career? Yes, it was heavy. I missed the first one, in the second I was sure to score because I was confident. ” The Turkish exulted, apologizing to the fans: “Why did I do it? Because of the mistake, I was aware of how important the match against Juventus was: Inter hadn’t won for ten years in Turin, I apologized to the fans but I was happy to have scored. This match gives us something more: it is not easy to win with Juventus. ”


Calhanoglu then sent a message to all the Inter fans: “Now let’s look forward, we want to win at home with the fans who always support us: we are in a good moment, we all think positive and we want to win the Scudetto”. There are seven goals in the Turkish league, the double figures are not far off. “I don’t look at the statistics but I’m happy. I always want to give my best: when I arrived at Inter I knew it would not be easy to replace Eriksen. They also won the Scudetto with Hakimi, but we new players are strong players and we want to win with the team. Inter “.
