Inter calendar, Inzaghi: “A stimulating challenge with Lecce”

The Inter coach after the official matches of the next Serie A: “We will have to be concentrated and attentive, we will play every three days and we will have to prepare ourselves in the best possible way”

Inter’s Serie A 2022-2023 will start away from home, whose race for the second star will take root from Puglia, in particular from Via del Mare in Lecce. A visit to the home of a newly promoted who, however, should not be taken lightly by the vice-champions of Italy in office. “It will be a stimulating challenge – said the coach in reaction to the next championship calendar – and we will have to be concentrated and attentive”.

Keep the pace

Beyond the order of commitments, however, the distribution of dates catalyzed the attention of the Nerazzurri coach, evidently conditioned by the long pause in conjunction with the World Cup at the end of 2022 in Qatar. In fact, it will end at the beginning of June, but it will be another season with an incessant pace: “In the Italian championship, no match is easy. We will play every three days, we will have to prepare ourselves in the best possible way and face each match with the same determination and desire to do well. “. The whole team is warned well in advance, the bar must be set very high.
