Inter 3-1 Cremonese: goals from Correa, Barella and Lautaro are worth 3 points

The Nerazzurri redeem themselves from the knockout at Lazio and liquidate the grigiorossi with a good performance: Correa also scored

While there is a certain confusion around Inter – Lukaku’s month out, the sudden negotiation for Gosens on the way out in addition to the toxins generated by the knockout with Lazio -, Inzaghi succeeds in the main objective: to shift attention to the standings. With this 3-1 at Cremonese, round despite some suffering too much, the Nerazzurri put their nose in front of Milan just a moment before the derby: despite a defeat, 9 points against 8 and the unexpected opportunity to stretch, even if Saturday against Pegs will certainly need more effort.

First half

Inzaghi’s pre-derby (and Bayern) turnover is concentrated above all in front, where not only Romelu is missing but also Lautaro at the beginning: without Lu-La, the stage is therefore of the other couple, Dzeko-Correa, who enjoys duet in an open match like few others here at San Siro. On the left it is Darmian’s turn with Dimarco in the “arm” version: the initial renunciation of Gosens on those clods is the confirmation that something very serious is boiling with Bayer Leverkusen, whose ds Devin Ozek is right in the stands of honor at the stadium . For its part, the Cremonese is anything but the classic newly promoted which is delivered as a sacrifice to the great on duty. On the contrary, it is a team that overturns the clichés: it comes to the Meazza against a big player three sizes bigger and plays the game with bravado. Even too much, if it is true that for every half nuisance produced in the direction of Handanovic, a far more dangerous counter-attack arrives. And on one of these the “Cremo” capitulates with the 1-0 goal in pure restart. From a corner kick the newly promoted is found unbalanced and the action is reversed in an amen thanks to Barella: from there Dzeko’s shot with a so-so save from Radu, one of the special observers of the evening for obvious reasons, and then easy easy touch by Correa who is already in second center during the season. The joke does not change the general score because Alvini has chosen the path of the maneuvered game to get to safety: Escalante is half attacking midfielder and half shoulder guard of Brozovic, while Dessers-Okereke mix and sting. Handa has to be vigilant a couple of times, but on another counterattack the 2-0 also arrives: Barella’s volley is only the conclusion of a choral action and seasoned by intelligent assists by Calha, the man who among a thousand controversies he did not start from the beginning at the Olimpico against Lazio.

The recovery

Zanimacchia for Ascacibar, with Escalante slipping behind, is Alvini’s move at the beginning of the second half: another sign of courage that perhaps will pay off during the season, but certainly not in this match. This attitude often results in green grasslands to ride on for Dumfries and Barella. If anything, the danger to shorten the “Cremo” is created on a corner kick, where you can see the limits of Dimarco’s 75m, excellent at the restart and less in marking: Aiwu heads over him and goes very close to scoring. It will also be a race in which to calculate every ounce of energy in view of the next battles, but Lautaro’s hour arrives at the 55th hour, also because Correa feels a little annoyance and does not want to risk. The Bull he rushes hungrily on the defenders tearing balls, perhaps already thinking of Tomori and Kalulu. Alvini can still complain about Dessers’ high overhead kick, who prefers aesthetics to effectiveness, and several dangerous scrums in the area. For his part, however, Inzaghi can enjoy his phrasing at speed that takes advantage of the long cycle paths granted by the Cremonese. Radu, the man from Bologna, saves the parable, but not a shot by Lautaro who proves to have very warm feet. He this time the left one, used after resisting with a rugby spirit in the one-on-one towards the goal against Pickel. Okekeke’s goal, beautiful, is the right reward for the Garibaldi team presented by Alvini. Among Simone’s last substitutions, however, the one that brings Gosens onto the pitch is striking: will it be his last minutes as an Interista or will he also try the extension in the derby?
