Instructions for getting through your first Grinch Christmas

Antonella Baccaro (photo by Carlo Furgeri Gilbert).

CWe have filled our calendar with fictitious parties: grandparents’ parties, singles’ parties, Halloween and other amenities. Lots of shopping and little substance. And now that a thousand intermittent lights shine around us, it is clear to us that the only celebration that resists over time, with all its symbolic load, is a real celebration and falls on December 25th.

A magical moment but not for everyone. As an adult I understood that going from being someone who loves Christmas to being among those who hate it is a matter of a moment.

After all, we are talking about a state of mind that must be able to withstand the impact of a complex ritual which, at a certain point in life, can cease to belong to us. Despite ourselves.

Grinch syndrome: how to overcome bad mood during the holidays

Therefore, if in this column singles have always had a special caress to overcome this traditionally difficult period, this year our thoughts also go to those who, for the first time, have crossed over to the other side.

To whom this year he feels a pang in his heart as the fateful date approaches, and it’s not about joy. To those who haven’t taken out the Christmas decorations accumulated in good times from the wardrobes. To those who, last year, already by mid-August, had already thought about, made and wrapped all the gifts. To those who no longer have the heart to sift through their grandmother’s recipes, night and day, to produce some delights to offer at the table.

To those who have always dreamed of fireplaces, socks and unwrapped packages, but now can’t even imagine them. To those who have always bought a Santa hat or a hair clip with reindeer ears to show off by throwing open that door that will remain closed tomorrow. To those who have stopped massacring hedges of berries and rosemary to arrange unlikely placeholders. For those who have the entire collection of Christmas songs (even Wham!) but don’t know what to do with it.

To all of you who in these hours have your soul hanging on a regret, a remorse, a memory, I wish, even more so, a Merry Christmas. The path is not irreversible, dear Grinches. Life can still surprise you. So don’t throw anything away. Or rather, throw away everything except your child heart. To go back to enjoying the magic of Christmas, you’ll see, one day you won’t need anything else. Sincere best wishes.

Do you want to share emotions, memories, reflections with us? Write to us at [email protected]

All articles by Antonella Baccaro

