Instagram modifies the minimum limit of daily use

02/22/2022 at 13:24


Instagram has modified the temporary daily limit of use of the mobile app to remove options shorter than 30 minutes, with the aim that users who have activated the ‘Take a break’ function do not receive multiple notifications.

The Instagram app allows you to set a daily usage limit which, once reached, displays a notification to the user recommending they close the app. This limit can be set in several hours (with options of three, two or one) or minutes (45, 30 or 15).

The new app update has modified lower limit, in such a way that users only have the possibility to select 30 minutes, and not less time. This is because the company has recently introduced another function, ‘Take a breather’.

‘Take a breather’ is a feature that encourages users to rest from the social network. To do this, it displays a reminder with the time interval that the user has selected: 30, 20 or 10 minutes.

With the two types of time management tools in the ‘app’, the company has explained in a statement to Europa Press that it has modified the daily limit options for “avoid sending people multiple notifications at the same time”.
