Instagram is testing a feature that significantly limits Stories

Instagram is currently testing a new function that primarily affects the story – and significantly reduces the possible number. What this means for Instagram Stories and users.

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms around the world. More than two billion active users like the image-oriented service every month. The fact that regular updates are coming for the application is nothing unusual in and of itself. A new Instagram function is now making people sit up and take notice: Instagram stories are to be cut to a considerable extent in the future. What’s behind it?

Instagram stories limited in the future?

The story feature is widely used and popular on Instagram. Users who are particularly active on the platform mostly share their everyday life in a story that deletes after 24 hours and not within their regular posts. However, Instagram is currently testing a new layout that could hide a large part of the story posts.

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It is currently possible to have up to 100 Instagram Stories active on your profile at once. Followers, if they haven’t seen you yet, are then made aware of this by a purple ring around the profile picture. In order to prevent a flood of stories in the future, the service apparently only wants to display three stories actively on the profile in the future.

Who the change affects

Even if more than three Instagram stories can still be posted – the innovation could mean an enormous change, especially for influencers or other high-profile profiles. Users who want to see more than three stories in the future must actively open the content using a “See more” button in the story. Many users who also normally just tap through the stories by tapping on the right edge of the screen probably don’t do this.

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On the user side, however, the function could also bring about a positive development. The story content could be more valuable and selected in the future. If you only look at all the Instagram stories of the followed profiles for the sake of completeness, you should hardly notice a change.

When is the change to Instagram Stories coming?

The function is currently still in the test phase; only a few users report it. It is still unclear when exactly the update will be rolled out. As a rule, however, there are only a few weeks between a test and the rollout on Instagram. On the content creator side in particular, however, the outcry is quite great, as it means an enormous change for many. TECHBOOK will keep you up to date on all developments in this regard.

