Innovative construction method | News

How were the beginnings of Montañes Casas Container?

The company was born as a result of a family investment driven by the need to have their own home. Looking for quick and safe construction options, we found the possibility of building our first house in disused shipping containers.

Upon obtaining successful results, it was decided to offer this construction method to the market in 2018.

What features does the company have and why are they so outstanding in the field?

Our factory is located in San Carlos de Bariloche and we are working on the opening of our new model plant in the Industrial and Technological Pole of Bariloche (PITBA), which will allow us to develop in a scientific, technological and innovation ecosystem.

Currently, we have more than 70 employees, who are constantly training in different areas, such as blacksmithing, carpentry, coatings, electricity, among others.

Montañes Casas Container is fundamentally based on the principles of design, speed, sustainability and versatility. Our construction model can be adapted for any type of project, such as commercial premises, offices, barbecue areas, tourist rentals, offices, among others. We can build in height, on two floors and they are completely portable.

We stand out for reaching any point in the country and for adapting to any type of terrain.

What types of models do they carry out?

We have a wide variety of standard models created by our team of professionals, which were designed to streamline the production process. At the same time, we manufacture personalized projects, taking into account the requirements and needs of each client.

Our models are attractive, functional and comfortable, manufactured using materials from the best brands on the market, giving our houses properties such as durability, insulation and resistance to various climatic conditions.

Having your house without going through work is one of the benefits of hiring Montañés. Our 15, 18 and 30m2 models can be transported ready from our factory and then simply, and in just a few days, we carry out the installation to the services.

In larger models, where more containers are used, additional work is required on the lot, mainly joining and sealing them, laying the floor, assembling furniture and finally installation to final services and tests.

What are the objectives ahead?

As a company we have several medium and long-term objectives, among them, positioning ourselves in the different provinces of Argentina, having franchises in strategic points of the country and exporting our products to neighboring countries.

Contact information:

Email: [email protected]

Instagram: montanesbrc

Facebook: montanesbrc Montanes Casas Containers


WhatsApp: +5492944694473

LinkedIn: Montañes- Container Houses


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