Innocent American released from prison after 31 years | Abroad

The New York Times writes that the then 23-year-old man came into the picture during a police investigation into a murder in an apartment in 1990 after a tip about a Thomas James. This namesake is said to have planned the robbery. A photo of the innocent American was “recognized” by an eyewitness, after which James was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Dorothy Walton, the key witness and stepdaughter of the fatality who was in the apartment at the time of the murder, said of the testimony at the time: “I am sure, I will never forget his face and his eyes.” However, no other evidence that James might have committed the murder was found. James himself always denied that he was guilty and claimed to have never visited the apartment in question.

For decades, relatives of James tried to get him out, but all attempts were unsuccessful. Until Walton admitted in 2019 that she doubted her testimony of yesteryear. The now 79-year-old Walton did not want to “take the mistake into the grave” and therefore cooperated in a process to get James released.

On Wednesday, the judge ruled that James had been imprisoned by “coincidence” and is “factually innocent.” After spending more than half of his life in prison, the American was therefore released. He told reporters that he wanted to “enjoy his life” in front of his mother and family.

The real culprit has never been found. James’ namesake who allegedly prepared the murder was incarcerated at the time it was committed. Another possible suspect has since died.
