Inner city Zaandam worldwide success: ‘We had to row against the current’

The city center of Zaandam was completely overhauled more than twenty years ago and became world famous thanks to architect Sjoerd Soeters. The characteristic green Zaan buildings, which we know from the Zaanse Schans, were given a modern look and that also resulted in a lot of criticism. “It didn’t happen by itself,” says Soeters in the summer program ‘De Ziel van de Regio’.

“You see all over the Western world that they have started building the same thing, which is a shame,” explains the architect. “You used to be able to recognize the Netherlands, Italy, France and Norway by their architecture and their urban planning. And that has actually been bulldozed a bit with modern architecture. In Zaanstad it was still very much alive and I thought we should use and deploy that as an architectural language Then it is immediately clear: We are in the Zaan.”

The hotel near the station and the municipal office are world famous, but Soeter has had a hard time. “We had to row against the current to get it done and that did not happen by itself. Zaankanters are not very easy to convince, they are quite suspicious. And they certainly do not trust anyone from outside.” Soeters is from Amsterdam.

“I remember my first presentation in the Bullekerk, it was packed. At the end of the presentation someone comes to me: ‘Mr Soeters, you don’t believe this yourself either’.”

Historical value

Soeter: “The people of the real green planks were quite critical, but the most important thing is that we raise the value of historic buildings. And you have seen, since we did this, the interest in the Zaanse green house has increased enormously. .”

According to Soeters, the historical associations have only grown and become much more important. “Of course we also stood on tiptoes, but I think it is successful overall, also for the tradition of the Zaanse house.”

Soul of the Region

The interview with architect Sjoerd Soeters can be seen in the video, along with an interview with Ferry Heijne, and attention is paid to the rivalry between water polo clubs De Ham and ZV De Zaan.
