Injured motorist seeks help from farmer: ‘He collapsed in the yard’

A car went off the road on Watersteeg in Herpt on Thursday evening and came to a stop against a tree. The driver, a man in his twenties, was seriously injured.

The car hit the curb on the right side of the road. When the driver tried to steer back, he crashed into a tree on the left side of the road.

There are skid marks on the road. The victim managed to get out of the badly damaged car on his own and stumbled to a farm in the area. There he received first aid. The victim was taken by ambulance to the Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital in Tilburg.

The victim turned to a farm for help. “My wife opened the door and warned me. I called the emergency services,” says the farmer. “He was injured on one leg, below his knee. He collapsed in the yard. Either from the pain, or he was in shock.”

The control room kept in touch with the farmer from a distance. “We got a few more blankets to keep the victim warm. The ambulance arrived quite quickly. They took over the medical assistance from us.”

According to witnesses, the road, which has a slight bend, is often driven too fast. It is the third accident in two years.
