Injured cyclist has to wait 25 minutes for an ambulance

Berlin-Friedrichshain: “Uber” driver captures cyclists

The cyclist was taken to hospital with injuries Photo: Spreepicture

By Dirk Boettger

A cyclist was hit in Friedrichshain on Saturday evening. But it took a while for the ambulance to come.

The accident happened on Boxhagener Strasse when the cyclist was hit by an Uber vehicle at the Mainzer Strasse intersection. The cyclist fell and was injured.

Due to the ongoing state of emergency in the emergency services, i.e. the overloading of the emergency services, it took around 25 minutes for the ambulance from Lichterfelde (Steglitz) to arrive at the scene of the accident.

The crew of a fire engine and an ambulance cared for the patient until he arrived on the road. The cyclist was taken to a hospital with moderate injuries.


Car accident Berlin police emergency doctor cyclist ambulance
