Injured (21) hits paramedic in the face

A police vehicle (symbol photo)

Because a 21-year-old attacked rescue workers, the police had to move in (symbol photo) Photo: picture alliance / photo booth

From the BZ editorial team

They wanted to help an injured person (21) – and were violently attacked!

According to the police, the crew of an ambulance drove to Zwickauer Damm (Rudow) around 5:30 a.m. on Sunday morning to help the man who had injured his hand.

During the first aid on site, the 21-year-old suddenly attacked the two helpers and hit one of the two rescuers in the face. The two firefighters then fled back to the ambulance.

The alleged thug followed them and let himself out on the service vehicle. According to the police, he hit it so hard that an outside mirror, the driver’s door and the front of the car were damaged.

Police officers who were called in the meantime prevented further attacks on the rescue workers. They brought the 21-year-old to the ground and arrested him. The man stepped in the direction of the officers. None of these were injured. But the firefighter paramedic, who was hit in the face, had pain in his jaw and had to stop work.

The 21-year-old, who had apparently been drinking, was taken into police custody, where blood was drawn. He was then released again.

He now has to answer for physical assault, resisting law enforcement officials and destroying important work equipment.


Berlin police paramedic
