Initiatives to plant trees in Italy and around the world

S.on the roof of the Lingotto, in Turin, there is the largest hanging garden in Europe. Runway 500 is a green example of industrial reconversion: where, once, the cars built in the Lingotto factory were tested, today you walk among green islands that host more than 40 thousand plants belonging to 300 species and varieties, chosen with an ecological criterion and cultivated with techniques with low consumption of water and fertilizers. The “sky garden”, with a wonderful view of the Alps and the city, is distributed along the entire 1.2 kilometer ring of the Lingotto, which can be traveled by electrically-powered vehicles, bicycles and scooters.

New green at the factory Bracco. Oaks, magnolias, maples, prunus, birches: 142 trees of 24 different species, shrubs and bushes, will be planted on the land surrounding the large factory located between the municipalities of Cesano Maderno and Ceriano Laghetto, near Milan. A planting project in favor of biodiversity and the compensation of CO2 emissions in the air.

A photographic exhibition tells the magic of the forest bioenergetic of Tenuta de l’Annunziata: “Waves in the forest” from April 28th to May 1st at MIA FAIR. “The invisible that exists” is a photographic project conceived and curated by Claudio Composti, art director of mc2gallery and independent curator, in collaboration with Tenuta de l’Annunziata whose energy forest of 13 hectares is unique not only in Italy, but also in Europe.

The power of Nature

Plant trees

“We Grow Trees”, the murals for trees. On the occasion of Earth Day, Treedom unveiled three murals in Milan (via Marghera, 20), London and Berlin with the aim of planting 20,000 trees by 5 June. The murals in addition to depicting trees are accompanied from the image of a QR code which allows direct access to the campaign site. With these works Treedom will support the goal of planting 20,000 trees in the period between Earth Day and World Environment Day. To directly contribute to achieving the goal of planting 20,000 new trees, for each of the trees that will be planted by users, Treedom will plant another and will give it to those who have chosen to support the campaign by planting their own tree.

One of Treedom's “We Grow Trees” murals

One of Treedom’s “We Grow Trees” murals

Also on the occasion of April 22, World Earth Day was launched the first Foresta Nespresso, in collaboration with Treedomto help protect the environment and support local communities in the three countries that will host the Nespresso Forest: Colombia, Guatemala and Kenya. The project involves the planting of the former 5,000 coffee trees by Nespresso, with the aim of adding another 5,000 during the year. It is an important project because it not only brings environmental benefits, but it is also a concrete support for local communities and a support for local micro-entrepreneurship, since all the coffee plants are owned by the farmers involved, who can thus have an opportunity. of extra income.

The Italian branch of SENEC – a company specializing in photovoltaic storage systems – announced that will plant 1,000 fruit trees in Latin America and Africa with Treedom. SENEC forest will help avoid the” emission of over 178 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere in 10 years and to create job opportunities and means of self-sufficiency for the communities of the area where the trees are planted.

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Plant 15 million trees by 2030 is the challenge of Albereastart-up and benefit companies, which on the occasion of World Earth Day launches “Adopt a Tree”, the project to reforest the Mediterranean with 15 million plants by 2030. Founded by a group of 6 young professionals from southern Italy, Alberea invites everyone to adopt a tree by paying a symbolic fee: it starts first with the local community, and then expands to follow the whole country and other areas of the Mediterranean.

