Initiatiefrijk De Wolden contributes 27,700 euros to projects. The money goes to a walkway and a theater festival

Two projects will receive a subsidy in the third round of 2023 from the ‘Initiatiefrijk De Wolden’ scheme. This concerns a footbridge in Drogterstoringen and a theater festival in Zuidwolde.

The two projects received a total of almost 28,000 euros. With the Initiatiefrijk De Wolden fund, the De Wolden municipal council supports projects by residents that contribute to the quality of life in the municipality. The total costs of the projects this round amount to more than 68,000 euros. This means that with almost 28,000 euros in subsidy, in addition to the voluntary efforts of residents, sponsorship from companies and subsidies from funds, projects can be realized that would otherwise not have been realized.

Regional interest Dryer storage facilities

Placing a bridge over the Braambergersloot will create an extension of a walking path around the village. This path is used by many hikers every day. The accessible living environment is thus increased for the residents. This also strengthens awareness of the rural location of the village. The bridge contributes to the connecting function between residents of the village. People can meet each other during the walks.

Theaterkuil de Falieberg Foundation

The Falieberg Festival is a creative breeding ground without limitations. The festival and the Faliebergbos are accessible to everyone, without charging an entrance fee, without fixed seating or standing areas, without mandatory use of the catering industry. They are in line with the ideas of former mayor Marius Tonckens, who ‘gave’ the forest to the people of Zuidwoldig because it had to be freely accessible to the public. The Falieberg Festival contributes to broadening the cultural offering in Zuidwolde. The organization focuses on young people, new residents and strengthening the encounter between residents.

Want to get started yourself?

Initiative De Wolden is a success. Many associations and organizations rely on the scheme. Projects and activities are realized with self-motivation and money from funds. These often arise from village visions and are aimed at making life and living in De Wolden more beautiful. Projects can be submitted before February 1, May 1, September 1 and November 1, with a decision made within 8 weeks. For projects up to 2000 euros, decision-making can take place in the meantime.

More information can be found at
