ING gaat oudere werknemers betalen om thuis te blijven | plant

Concreet houdt de maatregel in dat oudere werknemers van ING kunnen intekenen op een vrijwillige Vertrekregeling waarbij ze 60 to 80 per cent van hun loon blijven ontvangen tot aan de pensioenleeftijd. As the bank is best placed in a bepaalde afdeling te snoeien in the aantal werknemers, the other personnel can be placed in the candidate positions in a very willing manner. They don’t want to come to work with their elders in the yard, with the behoud of a lot of money and a wonderful pensioenbijdragen.

The regulation applies to grandchildren for workers with an age of at least one year. Personnel who are at least 58 years old and full of seniority receive at least 70 percent of the last loon. If you are 60 years old you will also receive a premium of 200 euros gross per month.

The Christelijke vakbonden ACV Puls and CNE lifts the cao’s al ondertekend, maar the liberale vakbond ACLVB steunt de regeling niet. “ING wants to be structured in the coming years, so people will be able to meet people over high-quality dining halls. Now the only thing that the army agrees to is a clear check immediately. “Sterker, jeeft de bank dan de mogelijkheid om de wet-Renault te omzeilen,” responds Marie De Kegel from the liberal government.
