Information point Memorial Center in Westerbork pleases and reopens

The information point in the village of Westerbork about Memorial Center Camp Westerbork can be visited again after the winter. The parties involved are satisfied with the initiative that establishes a link between the village of Westerbork and the Memorial Center of the same name, twelve kilometers away.

The municipality, the Memorial Center and the village recently sat around the table. “All three parties are excited to continue,” says village manager Frank Schröer about the first year. “The tourist season is over, we are going into hibernation. I think we will be open again before Easter.”

The unmanned information point in the former Apple Museum is mainly aimed at tourists who have come to Westerbork on the assumption that the former World War II transit center can be found there. Inside, a preview of what can be seen in the Memorial Center is given. “We started just before the school holidays last year, so we didn’t take the entire tourist season with us. We want to do that next year,” says Schröer.

The village manager estimates that about 500 people have visited the information point, based on the number of visitors to the adjacent Tourist Information Point. “We are going to put up counters to find out more precise numbers next year. I have been there regularly and according to the people I spoke to and entrepreneurs in the village it is really an addition, just like the signs that indicate the route to the Memorial Center”, says Schroer. “Next year the information point will be exactly the same, but we will think about how we can make it even better or more modern.”
