Information officer Joop van den Ende confirms health problems

According to Albert Verlinde, there have been rumors in musicalland in recent days that Joop would have had a heart attack. However, his spokesperson says that this is nonsense. “No, I know the Indian stories. But Joop was anesthetized 2.5 weeks ago.”

“He hasn’t been feeling well for a few days”

The information officer confirms that the musical producer had health problems. “He is a healthy eighties, but he keeps a close eye on his health. He hadn’t been feeling well for a few days and thought: I’m going to go to the doctor. He looked and a narrowing of the coronary artery was found and they placed a kind of balloon in it, which improves blood flow.”

Joe is doing well

Fortunately it all went well. “I have been in contact with his wife Janine”, says Albert. “The patient is doing well. He indeed has to take it easy, but the surgery went well and luckily none of the Indian stories are true.”

Source: Show news

April 21, 2022
