Influencer is fed up with hordes of tourists in Amsterdam and changes street names

If you walk through the nine streets, you may notice: nameplates that change. With now the second change this week, namely the Schapenstraat instead of the Berenstraat. A fun action with a message: a coffee shop that also sells sandwiches causes long queues on the street. “We find that tent there the worst, those rows of people, all those tourists,” a resident tells AT5.

Since this week someone has changed the street names of the Runstraat and the Berenstraat in the nine streets. The fries shop in Runstraat (recently transformed into Rijstraat) is a hit on TikTok. As a result, people queue for fries every day. People in line, that also happens in the Berenstraat, now the ‘Schapenstraat’.

Opinions about the name changes differ. “I had to laugh a lot. The cook forwarded it yesterday, I hadn’t noticed it myself yesterday during work. But I thought it was very funny,” a woman tells AT5. She herself has an idea where the change in Schapenstraat comes from. “It refers to the rows on the bridge, of course, that is herd behavior.”


A resident may appreciate the action less. “I don’t know why, my friends also say ‘I don’t know what it means’. What madness, I don’t understand it at all!”, she explains. “It’s crazy all those lines. I think they shouldn’t have eateries in those little streets; done!”

The action appears to have been carried out by Instagrammer Vic Cle. “A sad picture that, day in and day out, crowds of people flock for the same inauthentic experience in a city that has so much to offer,” he writes in his Instagram. “I don’t understand how people without embarrassment stand in line like a sheep for an Instagrammable piece of food. Welcome to Amsterdam amusement park.”

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