“Inflation is not just Putin’s fault”

cuckoo Gamarrageneral coordinator of the PP and parliamentary spokesperson, has stepped down from the rostrum of the Congress of Deputies without clarifying her vote for the Government’s “national response plan to the war”, which she has renamed the “spring plan”, because sees it “clearly insufficient”. The conservatives will have to vote on the royal decree that includes the measures launched by Moncloa in the coming weeks and it will be relevant to see the decision made by the new leader of the party, Alberto Núñez feijoo. For now, Gamarra and he have shared the roles. The first showed his “maximum willingness to do it”, while he was the tough one and denounced that he did not see it, because Pedro Sánchez has not included a large tax reduction.

In the debate in Congress this morning for the Chief Executive to render an account of the international summits of last week and his turn on the Sahara, Gamarra has pointed out that inflation was already higher than that of European countries before the start of the conflict in Eastern Europe because Spain, in his opinion, reached that moment ” with the most fragile and vulnerable economy in the European Union“. “Inflation is not just the fault of [Vladimir] Putin. Internal politics also have an influence”, he maintained. According to the PP’s parliamentary spokesperson, the crisis has surprised Spain with the “worst possible government at the worst possible time” and the country will have to wait for the arrival of his party in government to ” fix” the “wreckage” of the socialists.

The PP has been claiming for months a general tax cut to overcome the economic and social crisis that has aggravated the invasion of Ukraine, but Sánchez resists. In fact, he makes the head of the Executive ugly that he himself signed that he would do so in the final declaration of the Conference of Presidents that was held in La Palma and has not complied.

Sánchez has repeated these days the string of misfortunes that he has linked in Moncloa (the pandemic, ‘Filomena’, the volcano, the war launched by Vladimir Putin) to ask for “unity” from the opposition and, specifically, from the PP. This Wednesday again, he is back: “What else has to happen to respond together? Europe has understood it; Spain must understand it. And the Government will turn to achieve it”. For Gamarra, on the other hand, he has reminded him of his commitment to La Palma to approve fiscal reforms and, paraphrasing him, he has returned the question: “What else has to happen for you to keep your word ?”.
