Inflation in the euro zone comes to 8 percent above the first floor

Inflatie is als tanpasta, noted Karl Otto Pöhl ooit op. “Eenmaal uit de tube, krijg je hem er niet meer terug in.” The toenmal Bundesbank-voorzitter most in the vroege jaren eighty and one maken aan de stagflatie van de tweede helft van de jaren zeventig. Pas na het uitlokken van een recessie kreeg de Buba het Zwarte best onder controle.

Het is vergelijking the dezer dagen vast rondspokt in Frankfurt, waar ze eveneens te maken raise with a hardnekkig high inflation, in a real economy. The youngest inflations are provided by the beleidsmacher extra kopzorgen, not grandchildren to the Europese Centrale Bank may also be in the national hoofdsteden.

Inflation opgelopen

Inflation in the eurozone is 8.1 percent in my opgelopen. Economen had den Weliswaar warns that the general price is higher than 7.4 percent in April, but not that the increase of 8 percent is expected.

Also, the core inflation, a measure that calculates the amount with the volatile energy and sales prices, is in my opgelopen tot 3.8 percent, coming from 3.5 percent. En also here what de stijging greater dan waking up. The higher price of energy and space later should also be in the good and services in the rest of the economy.

The rate of inflation is 5.8 percent in my first month, and there is a report every day that the rate of inflation in the first quarter is 0.2 percent. One other raming had no risk of being made from a nulgroei.


In Germany, the inflation rate was 7.9 percent of the highest rate since 1973. A number of things are said to have happened in inflation with France, the Parijs al Meer is 25 million euros taller than the price of the gas and the electricity isn’t healed on the van de consument te leggen. According to the Franse statistiekbureau Insee heeft that het inflationary with zo’n 2 percent printed.

Monetary beleidsmakers broke zich het hoofd over hoe ze the prijsstijgingen – four keer hoger dan het beoogde peil – het hoofd moeten biden zonder de economy te veel te damage. The print on the ECB will need to be taken before the pension in July will be higher than with the 25 base points that President Christine Lagarde has given in the current state.

ECB-hoofdeconoom Philip Lane lies maandag nog weten dat Frankfurt de rente volgens hem in two July as September met a square percentage point moet stijgen, maar niet elke collega deelt die mening. So spoke the governor of the Franse centrale bank, François Villeroy de Galhau, along with “the noodzaak for some money, but resolute normalization of the monetary situation”. There are now central bank watchers and pleidooi in the future for rent with 50 base points in July.

New munitie

According to the Special Office for Capital Economics, the arguments for the ECB about the pension were considered as overwhelming, and it was delivered with the lowest inflation rates. Frankfurt heeft zich evenwel in Keurslijf gepropt met de belofte om de Rente paste verhogen nadat het opkoopprogramma van debt paper is stopped, writes Andrew Kenningham. “Zonder die Belofte om dat programmma tot het derde Kwartaal voort te zetten, zou ze bij de beleidsvergadering the following week zeker de rente verhogen.”

Now that you have to pay all the wages in July, met as a large number of warnings of that een setting of the rent from the bus comes from 25 base points, of 50. In that case, you have to consider the most important rent of the ECB for the first time june 2014 never long negatief zijn.

Hoe zit het in Belgium?

The inflation is in my current situation, from 8.31 percent to 8.97 percent. The army reported the highest level since August 1982, toen de inflatie uitkwam op 9.02 percent. This is reported by the Statistiekbureau Statbel. The spilindex is not overwritten in my opinion, that was a reason why we always did it.

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