Infections down sharply, but more hospital admissions | 1Limburg

The number of corona infections in Limburg has fallen sharply in the past week, to 16,861. That is about 9,000 fewer than in the seven days before.

This is apparent from figures published by RIVM on Tuesday.

No longer the best
The number of infections per 100,000 inhabitants is now about 1500, also a sharp decrease compared to the week before. This clearly means that the coronavirus is on its way back, because the picture that the infection figures show in Limburg is comparable to the rest of the Netherlands. Incidentally, our province is no longer the province with the lowest infection rates: Zeeland, South Holland and Flevoland are doing slightly better.

Also read: Infection rates in Limburg the lowest in the Netherlands

More in hospital
The number of hospital admissions rose last week. 59 people with corona symptoms had to go to hospitals in Limburg, which is 11 more than the week before. Five Limburgers did not survive their covid infection, as many as the week before.

Gennep and Mook en Middelaar remain the Limburg municipalities where the virus still has a firm foothold. Nederweert joined this top-3 last week. Venlo, Vaals and Beesel are the municipalities where the number of infections was proportionally the lowest.

The R-number also shows that the corona virus is on its way out. This reproduction number indicates how many people are infected by one infected person. If this figure is above 1, the number of infections will increase. If it is below 1, the epidemic will slowly die out. At the moment it is at 0.83. It has not been this low since the end of July.

young and old
The number of positive corona tests is falling in every age group, but especially among young people. This group previously had many infections, and therefore many young people are now probably immune. Among teenagers, the number of positive tests has more than halved in a week. In the past week there were more than 53,000 confirmed infections in that group, compared to almost 110,000 a week earlier.

In the elderly, the decrease in the number of positive tests is much smaller. The number of cases among people in their eighties decreased by more than 9 percent and among people over 90 by almost 9 percent.
