Inés Urdaniz: Discovering the World of Coaching

But what really is Coaching? Inés explains it to us.

Year after year, more companies and individuals choose to hire a Coach to boost their potential and achieve their goals, but what does this discipline really consist of?

Inés Urdaniz, Professional Ontological Coach and Human Resources Coordinator, has more than 4 years of experience accompanying companies and individuals to achieve maximum personal and professional development, applying specific concepts and techniques from Psychology, NLP, Philosophy and Communication. After certifying as an Ontological Coach, she deepened her studies with the “Mastering Coaching Skills” program led by Elena Espinal and Adriana Rodriguez, Master Certified Coaches and with the Diploma in Work Psychology from the University of Belgrano.

We interviewed Inés with the intention of knowing more about Coaching and its application methodology.

What is a Coaching process?

The Spanish Coaching Association defines Coaching as an individualized training process that uses a large number of tools from different disciplines whose main objective is achieve an improvement in a specific aspect of the person.

Organizational Coaching is mostly used through theoretical-practical workshops and/or group coaching sessions, while individual processes consist of personalized sessions, applying the Socratic method of inquiry to promote self-discovery.

The coach does not tell you (or should not tell you) what you have or what you have to do. It does not diagnose, it does not judge, it does not prescribe. A Coach helps you discover, look for solutions and, fundamentally, think for yourself.

How can a Coach help me?

To answer this question I am going to extract a quote from the book “The Conscious Company”, by Fredy Kofman:

“Have you ever driven a car while talking or daydreaming, only to find out later that you had chosen the wrong exit? While he had not literally lost consciousness, his attention had weakened. Important details such as his location and the important actions to achieve his goal had stopped occupying the first place in his thoughts. Her eyes were open, but she couldn’t see. “This is a bad way to drive, and an even worse way to live.”

You will train with a coach your ability to perceive and interpret your inner world and the world around you to be able to act in a way that honors your needs, values ​​and intentions; It will help you establish specific goals and will provide you with tools to guarantee the achievement of the objectives you set for yourself.

What are the most common problems for which Coaching can be the solution?

A coach is not a mental health professional nor can or should treat essential aspects of the mind. When we think about hiring a Coach we must think that we are going to enter into a process of reflection, self-knowledge and establishment of objectives to achieve personal and/or professional fulfillment.

Some of the most frequent needs raised by clients are:

  • Increase productivity and effectiveness
  • Increase well-being in a particular area
  • Develop communication skills, time management, emotional management, leadership and team management
  • Training high-performance teams
  • Develop commercial skills and to generate trustworthy contexts
  • Inability to eliminate limiting thought patterns
  • Self-knowledge: raising my awareness of who I am and what I want


LinkedIn: Inés Urdaniz

Intagram: Coachinesurdaniz

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