Ineos has never used a gun for ethaankraker in Antwerp haven | Inland

Ruim two maanden nadat de Raad voor Vergunningsbetwistingen zijn new ethaankraker Project One had been made, heeft de Britse chemiereus Ineos a new vergunning aangevraagd in the lopende procedure. “We hope now in December that we will be able to fight again. “Hoe sneller, hoe beter, want the stilgelegende to throw the cost ons elke dag handfuls of money,” says woordvoerster Nathalie Meert. “Wij hebben alvast ons huiswerk gedaan.”

In this vernietigingarrest was the Raad voor Vergunningsbetwistingen duidelijk: Ineos had de volgen van zijn stikstofuitstoot voor de Brabantse Wal, a natural area not over the Dutch borders, onvoldoende onderzocht. The matching design is not detailed enough to have a significant impact on the material.

For this reason, the requirements are rigorous and have a very suitable design. A team of environmental experts and biodiversity experts from the Arcadis study bureau has a report on a total of 800 pages, without any reference to the previous appropriate order.

The aim is to have access to the Brabantse Wal, which can be seen by all the natural areas in Vlaanderen and the Netherlands.
