Ine Francisconi: “Resilience is a key competence for today’s leader”

Resilience is the ability to overcome adversities, learn, build on them and project into the future. It is a human condition that is potentially found in every being, but that requires decision, commitment and full awareness to develop it. A person is not born resilient, they become resilient. It is the art of reinventing yourself, of making yourself, to then do with others.

It is one of the key skills of self-leadership, which is the first step for every conscious leader who wants to impact other lives. It is the attitude of the hero, of the protagonist that inspires a change, a transformation, a path to follow.

Life in its different areas (personal, work, family, social, health, economic, etc.) is a continuous fluctuation of circumstances; and the impact of some of them can destabilize us. Now, how long do we decide to remain in that state of inaction and domination by the external? What do we do with “it” that happens? How do we interpret it? How do we manage the emotions it generates in us? What meaning do we give it? Does it defeat us… or does it open the doors to deeper learning and growth?

The protagonist’s attitude implies turning the focus, turning his gaze inward and assuming personal power; it is to get out of being suffering, dependent and victim of external circumstances, who complains, looks for excuses and blames the outside, to look at ourselves, connect with internal wisdom, talents and open up to new possibilities.

The focus on strengths, internal resources, capabilities, is the basis of a “preventive” model based on potentialities. If each one of us decides to develop our own gifts and transform them into high skills, surely we will be better prepared to face and transcend adversities when they arise.

There are two basic ways of coping, that is, two styles of proceeding in situations that generate stress: “learned helplessness” (I feel that I will not be able to) or “perceived self-efficacy” (I feel that I will be able to overcome it and grow). Each belief will awaken different emotions, attitudes, energies and, therefore, will obtain different results. You choose.

Therefore, the key is to take responsibility for training, preparing, developing healthy self-esteem, emotional intelligence, flexibility, creativity and a positive attitude, accompanied by an environment that supports and encourages progress. And being a leader, it is essential to influence and develop these skills in the team.

I accompany you in the resilient process, be it personal or professional. Your past does not condition you to create a new future, to write a story with another ending.

ine francisconi

Leadership Coach

& Talent Development

Instagram/LinkedIn: @inefrancisconi

WhatsApp: +54 9 11 6821 2020


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